Monday 29 October 2012

Tai O (aka Alex on stilts...)

So today saw me hopping out of bed, rushing down to the bus stop in hope that I did look up the time correctly to take the only bus before lunch to the airport. At 05:45 the bus arrived and off I went to the airport. Hiccup free and VERY pleased with myself I arrived with plenty of time to spare.

Ingrid and Caleb's flight landed a few minutes before 07:00 and by about 07:40 I saw the glass doors open to see Ingrid pushing a trolley with luggage closely followed by a blue push chair and a brown head straining to see where its going. So worried that he will be bumping into someone (clearly someone told him that there will be trouble if he does) he nearly walked straight past us.

After a quick "Mamma I missed you"and a big smile we headed to his delight for the blue taxi (and of course the green and red ones took his fancy too).

When we got back home, Ingrid fell over and had a little nap, whilst Caleb tried his best to keep up, both of the having slept very little on the plane.

We decided to go off to Tai O, one of the few older villages remaining. What makes it unique is that it is also built on stilts. We went on a boat ride around the village and then walked through it, market with dried and fresh (by that I mean dead and alive) fish. 
Tai O

Your transport if you live in that house

Something dried and fishy

Wing On Street


Pure fascination

Dried Manta Ray Skin (i don't think he shed it willingly...)

Will this be a washing or drying line?

Lunch on the river (not fish funnily!). Caleb decided to try his hand at the camera (which I virtually tied to his neck...) and took a picture of Ingrid and I.


View from Caleb's eyes (I just made the pic look old)


Restaurant Mural (taken by Caleb)

Broccoli & Cashew Nut Stir fry (My Lunch)

Fruit Salad (Ingrid's Lunch)

The best looking house on stilts

Caleb outside the restaurant
Cleaning and scaling fish just outside restaurant door

We decided to go find a food shop for milk, fruit, yogurt etc and headed for the centre of Tung Chung, which appears to be full of high rise apartment buildings and a bunch of outlet stores. 
Caleb didn't last 5 mins in the bus and proceeded to sleep for nearly 3 hours where we couldn't actually get him awake. 

Traveling is not for 'sissies'

My feet kept on dragging on the floor so they made a plan

Struggled down the bus at our bus stop with a push chair and two shopping bags (one ripped on the bus and oh, it was also peak hour so bus was packed!), bumped into the landlady who was very pleased to meet the rest of the clan and had to help carry stuff up the stairs. That will teach her to be around ;)

So now off to sleep, and we will see what tomorrow holds.

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